Club history


Zainabiya Sports Club (ZSC) is a community sports club in Milton Keynes founded in 2016. It all began with a group of friends that decided to gather people in various sports and restart community sports after it’s prolonged absence. A perfect opportunity for this was to participate and represent their local community in the annually organised Mulla Asghar Memorial Tournament (MAMT) by the Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ). The sports that were represented by Milton Keynes that year were football, badminton, table tennis and volleyball.

Following the successful participation in the MAMT tournament and the enthusiasm that was brought from it, the same group of people thought about creating a sports club and introducing more sports for the sole purpose of creating unity amongst the members of the community. This is when ‘Zainabiya Sports Club’ was born under the leadership of Mr. Imran Alibhai assisted by Mr. Zaheer Allarakhia along with representatives from each sport.

Today, ZSC bears it’s own constitution and is composed of the chairman, secretary, treasurer, committee members representing each sport namely; Badminton, Cricket, Football, Golf, Netball, Table Tennis, Tennis and Volleyball.

ZSC is a self-funded entity and generates it’s income through membership, individual sport contribution towards block booking and by holding various tournaments with other similar sport clubs. The club has seen an exponential growth since it’s conception and we forecast this to continue as the community grows.

Our Motto:
To promote sports and use it as a means of empowering physical and social well being for men, women and the younger members of the community.


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